Koki Nakano - Bloomer (Official Video)

New album “Pre-Choreographed“: Watch Koki Nakano’s video series: Subscribe to Koki Nakano’s channel: Director: Benjamin Seroussi Choerographer & Dancer: Mariko Kakizaki Production: Art Bridge - Quad Group Label: Nø Førmat! Supported by Grand Marble ____________________________________________ ‘Pre-Choreographed’ evokes the strong “saudade” for the era when the music and the dance were very close to each other, when they used to function congenially in the society. It also means the state of the music such as “awaiting“ or even “missing” the choreography. That is to say, the character of the music is yet very “raw”, no direction is given. I always have the various images of body movements when I compose. And It helps greatly when I’m to give its own unique structure to each piece. My musics often develop as if they are to respo
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