How the PP system in osu! sees Cookiezi FC on Perthed Again [Zapy’s Extra]

Expand description for a lot more text and info! Perthed Again is a crazy slider orientated map in osu! having only one hdhr fc, so far, by Cookiezi. This “series“ is meant to showcase how the PP system in osu! sees different maps, and how the maps can become so underweighted pp wise. (Doesn’t mean that all maps in this series will be underweighted though! ) This play was 426pp All slider components are removed except the head, which the pp system sees as a normal circle. If there are any other plays/maps you want to see in this series, please leave any suggestions in comments :) (Or shoot me a message in discord, link to server further down!) Player: Cookiezi’s Skin: | Click “Show more“ to reveal an invite to Circle People’s new discord! Map: | And for an explanation what the hell this video and game is all about! ------------------------------------------------------ osu! is a free-to-win online rhythm game
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