8 Things You Should Never Say to Chinese People - Chinese Culture

Chinese Funny Show - Here are 8 Chinese words & phrases you should avoid saying or doing in China: 1. bú shì dōng xi 不是东西 You’re a jerk! 2. sòng zhōng 送钟 To send someone a clock 3. yào fàn 要饭 To beg (for food or money) 4. chǎo yóu yú 炒鱿鱼 To fire sb 5. chī ruǎn fàn 吃软饭 To live off a woman 6. miàn mù quán fēi 面目全非 Nothing remains the same. 7. chī bù liǎo dōu zhe zǒu 吃不了兜着走 You’ll have to take the consequences. 8. lǜ mào zi 绿帽子 Cuckold ===================================
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