Перселл Г.Harmonia sacra.Вокальная и инструментальная музыка.2000 г.

Перселл Г.Harmonia sacra.Вокальная и инструментальная музыка.2000 г. 1. Pavane g-mol. Z 751 2. Thou wakeful shepherd (A morning Hymn) 3. Lord, What is a man? Z 192 4. Sonnata of three parts G-Dur. Z 797 5. Tell me, some pitying angel (The Blessed Virgin’s Expostulation). Z 196 6. Pavane a-mol. Z 749 7. How long, Great God Z 189 8. Sonnata of three parts e-mol. Z 796 9. Now that the sun hath veiles his light (An evening Hymn on a Ground). Z 193 Rachel Elliot (soprano) Patrick Cohen-Akemin (violon) Christine Bush (violon) Gesine Queyras (violoncello) Beatrice Martin (клавесин) Le Chatelet Theatre musical de Paris
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