šŸ”„THE HAUNTINGšŸ”„ - Complete Ashfur MAP

This map is part of the 2022 Halloween MAPathon! Check out the other MAPā€™s here: Happy Halloween! This MAP is a dramatic retelling of Ashfurā€™s feelings for Squirrelflight, inspired by the style of 2016 Warriors maps! I rehosted this from Dawnmist so all credit goes to them for designs and for the original script! This map was also co-hosted with @RamKat so thanks a ton for helping out with this one! 0:00 - EuphratesLeap 0:07 - Pascall 0:13 - fungus 0:19 - TIYNX Vampviz Darleena Canania 0:24 - RamKat 0:30 - Fallowhollow 0:35 - KurzZ Sen ItsCaduceus 0:45 - RosePocky 0:52 - Vampviz 0:58 - Dawnmist 1:03 - Silverfang 1:08 - OceanPawz 1:13 - Featherflight55 OwO 1:18 - Kimi Cook Mishi 1:28 - Kimi Cook Darleena Canania 1:38 - CustradCrev 1:49 - Woolhug Pascall mewtoz 1:59 - Silverfang 2:09 - Pinecone dot er kittygirl2210 2:19 - Lunehowls 2:29 - Dawnmist 2:35 - Vampviz ___________ THUMBNAIL - RoanokeWinter ORIGINAL HOST - @Dawnmist ORIGINAL MAP CALL - SONG - Set It Off - The Haunting
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