Current Inside Copy (Space Quest Bonus Video)

Hello, and welcome to a new bonus video. This is mostly my excuse to upload more Space Quest to my channel, in form of stuff on the side, those things that you don’t get to see in an ordinary story play. Today I’m showing Current Inside Copy, a mockumentary of sorts, showing and interviewing people while they are working on Space Quest 6. This video was first included in Space Quest collection CD’s before 6 had been released. It was also included in the Collection Series box, which had the whole series, and it was there I saw it first, in ’98. This is one of my favorite Space Quest videos, the series had among the best promotional videos ever, in my opinion. Seeing colleagues to Scott Murphy, joking around and play the roles of attorneys and doctors, and especially Barry interviewing them all is just great to see, all the love to each other and the games they made. There was no Mark Crove in this video unfortunately, as he had left for Dynamix, a sister company, at the time. But
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