Self Resizing Shapes to Text | After Effects Pro Tutorial

Join the discord to talk film and animation, any time, anywhere! Suport me on Patreon! Download the Expression Project file here Expressions (There’s three, First one is the main one.) margin = 50; text_width = (“Text“).sourceRectAtTime().width; text_height = (“Text“).sourceRectAtTime().height; box_width = text_width margin*2; box_height = text_height margin*2; [box_width, box_height] text_height = (“Text“).sourceRectAtTime().height; [0, text_height/2] t = (“Text“); tRect = (time,false); tUL = ([,]); tLR = ([ , ]); tCenter = (tUL tLR)/2 myRect = sourceRectAtTime(time,false); myUL = toComp([myRect
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