Pony Piano Trio - Octavia’s Triptych

Le Mp3 - Let’s start with the basics. Octavia is best pony. Now, with that out of the way, from a musician’s perspective, she has acquired some very interesting fanon characterizations: A bookworm buried in Bach, a struggling alcoholic with an intolerance for the bourgeois, the list drags on. I like to imagine her as something of a pistol. Intensely passionate about her craft, a little bit pretentious, but good-hearted. So deep is my affection for this character that had but 10 seconds of screen time, I wrote this brief piano trio in her honor. Personnel - Spike on Piano, Octavia on Cello (Yes, CELLO) and Pinkie Pie on Violin, of course! The art featured in the main image is “Swoosh“ by swaetshrit. Comment on it here: The closing image is none other than an excerpt from the brilliant comic “Allegrezza.“ Read it here:
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