簡單 做 輕 乳酪 蛋糕 easy to make light cheesecake 含 脫模 自製鏡面膠 完美切片 示範 soft Japanese cotton

‧ 圖文網誌 blog 作品列表 all baking works 食材如下 ingredients ----------------- A.蛋糕體 cake dough 奶油乳酪 200g cream cheese 無鹽奶油 50g unsalted butter 細砂糖 100g white sugar 低筋粉 50g cake flour 鮮奶 150g milk 雞蛋(冰) 5顆 eggs B.鏡面膠 Clear Glaze (可塗可不塗 spread glaze or not doesn’t matter) 吉利t粉 1小匙()tsp jelly t 細砂糖 1小匙(5g)tsp white sugar 冷水 5大匙(75g)tbsp tap water ----------------- 8吋活動模 8“ round cake pan with removable bottom 中下層水浴法 Water Bath
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