The time I got stood up on a date

The time I got stood up on a date 💔 While making this video I learned a lesson: don’t put your potatoes in a blender when making mashed potatoes. I assumed it would make the most smooth and fluffy mashed potatoes ever. The reality is that the fast moving blades tear the starch molecules, and you’re left with a gummy paste that is highly unappetizing. Over the past couple years on social media, I’ve learned so much about cooking in this exact way. Since I never went to culinary school or anything formal like that, nobody has ever told me things like “don’t blend potatoes”. But I’ve realized, this is the way I like learning! Happy Valentine’s Day! Full Recipe: 🧂 Osmo Salt and Pepper Grinders #osmosalt #osmopartner ————— SUBSCRIBE and RING THE BELL to get notified when I post a video! PLATFORMS -Snapchat: -Instagram: -TikTok: @maxthemeatguy -Facebook: -YouTube: -Discord: DISCOUNTS WEBSITE FILMED BY Sophia Greb MUSIC Ninja Hardcore Freestyle Rap Beat - AESUNO ————— #valentinesday #filetmignon #mashedpotatoes #dinneridea #valentinesdaydinner #datenightrecipe #storytime #story #datenight #mediumrare #shorts
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