Quick Check 3.0 20 questions for EXTREMUM CSGO team

00:00 - Intro 0:17 - What was your favorite school subject? 0:37 - Which player knows you best? 1:01 - Who’s the most good-looking player you’ve ever played with? 1:34 - Who spends more time playing CS? 1:53 - Who’s the funniest in the team? 2:24 - What’s the most expensive thing you have? 2:35 - What cheap though cool thing do you have? 3:13 - What is your worst habit? 3:42 - Who rages most? 4:05 - What’s the worst thing about CS:GO? 4:31 - What do you do to stay healthy? 4:59 - What’s your favorite game apart from CS:GO? 5:10 - If you could erase one thing or event from your memory, what would you choose? 5:36 - Have you ever googled yourself? 6:18 - What is the best thing that happened to you this week? 6:36 - Is there any special trick that is really hard to find if you’re new to CS but which is obvious for the pro? 7:26 - Who is the best player in the world? 7:35 - What is the most obscure fact you know? 8:10 - What is your favorite song, now or in general? 8:41 - Complete the phrase 8:51 - Outro Dota
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