LION KING: Circle Of Life (Orchestral Version) Opening Theme
Circle of Life is an opening song from the 1994 Disney animated feature The Lion King. It was written by songwriter Tim Rice and composer Elton John. The song was performed by singer Carmen Tvili and Lebo M. (opening tune in Zulu).
The song is also featured in the 2019 animated remake. The song was featured in the 2019 Disney Cinematic CG animation remake of The Lion King and was featured in the first trailer for the film. This new version of the song was sung by Brown Lindive Mhize, the actress who acted as Rafiki in the stage adaptation of the film in London from 2005 to 2018. However, the new version also retains Lebo M.’s original Zulu opening vocals.
«Круг Жизни» (англ. Circle of Life) — оупенинг песня диснеевского полнометражного мультфильма 1994 года «Король Лев». Её авторами являются поэт-песенник Тим Райс и композитор Элтон Джон. Песню исполнила певца Кармен Твили и Лебо М. (открывающий мотив на языке зулу).
Песня также звучит в анимационном ремейке 2019 года. Песня была представлена