How to Say “You’re Welcome“ in Chinese?

Hey, everyone! How is it going? Welcome back to our “How to Say … in Chinese?“ series. Today, let’s see how to use Chinese to say “please“ in different ways 👇 You probably already know the often heard phrase “不客气”, today I would like to introduce you some common variations that native speakers will use. 1.别客气 bié kèqi 客气 literally means “polite”. Apart from 不客气,you will also hear people say 别客气. For instance, -Thank you! -You are welcome! -谢谢你今天帮我! -别客气! - Xièxie nǐ jīntiān bāng wǒ! - Bié kèqi! 2.你太客气了!Nǐ tài kèqi le! If you want to emphasize your tone, you can say “你太客气了!”,
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