The Bible - Steam Announcement Trailer

Wishlist The Bible - Join our Facebook Group - Bible Games is a company dedicated to the adaptation of Biblical accounts into video games in a variety of genres. We chose a digital recreation of The Bible as our first project for one simple reason, we saw that The Bible was not already on Steam. It is our hope that this new recreation combined with its home on the Steam platform will make The Bible more accessible and engaging for future generations; and allow The Bible to reach people it previously couldn’t or wouldn’t have. #steam #shorts #bible #biblestudy #bibleverses #bibleverse #biblereading #christian #christianity #christ #jesus #jesuschrist #oldtestament #newtestament #genesis #exodus #revelation #gospel #church #churchonline #videogames #apps #books #book #booktube #booktuber #visualnovel #audiobook #audiobooks #christianmusic #christianmotivation #christianmessages #worship #worshipsongs #worshipmu
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