The Sphinx Temple Origins: Controversy, Lack of Data and Unanswered Questions | Ancient Architects

More than 40 years ago, Egyptologist Mark Lehner and geologist Thomas Aigner conducted a study on the Sphinx, the Khafre Valley Temple and the Sphinx Temple, to try and prove the hypothesis that the temple blocks originate from the Sphinx enclosure, and, if correct, it would mean the age of the creation of the Sphinx is likely the same age as the two temples in front of it. The importance of the study can therefore not be underestimated, especially because, in terms of design, the Sphinx Temple certainly looks to be 4th dynasty, and secondly, thermoluminescence dating that took place in 2013 placed its construction well within the bounds of the 4th dynasty. Aigner logged each limestone bedrock layer on the Giza Plateau, including those present on the Sphinx core body, recording the lithic qualities and fossil content, and he assigned each limestone layer a number. Meanwhile, Lehner re-mapped the Valley and Sphinx Temples in detail, numbering each block. Aigner had identified seven types o
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