Heavily Tuned AMD R5 5600X vs. i5-10600K: Memory & CPU Overclocking Showdown

We heavily overclocked the AMD Ryzen 5 5600X and Intel i5-10600K CPUs for a final showdown for who makes the best gaming CPU. Intel’s last-ditch effort to contest AMD’s new dominance. Sponsor: Drop’s ENTR Mechanical Keyboard () Watch our AMD R5 5600X CPU review: Watch our AMD R9 5950X CPU review: Watch our AMD R9 5900X CPU review: Watch our AMD R7 5800X CPU review: In this content, we heavily tuned the memory frequency, timings, Infinity Fabric (to the max it can be on the current AGESA, anyway, which is about 1900MHz on this CPU), and we aligned fclk, uclk, and mclk to 1:1:1. From there, we tuned primary timings and subtimings, resulting in some of the best performance we’ve yet seen on AMD’s Ryzen CPUs. We did the same for Intel and the i5-10600K, maximizing its all-core OC, cache ratio, p
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