USA vs. BTWC. Is the biological threat real?

On November 28, the 9th Review Conference under the Convention on the Prohibition of Biological and Toxin Weapons - BTWC began its work in Geneva. The United States is trying to adjust BTWC to suit itself in order to continue developing and testing biological weapons without problems. However, this time Washington failed to convince all participants of the conference of its non-involvement in prohibited activities. Documentary evidence and the “traces“ of American biological activity found in the course of SMO in Ukraine, the secret nature of “peaceful“ research and the removal of international experts from the results of research, all this is irrefutable evidence of illegal military biological activities of the Pentagon. And also, a network of controlled closed biological laboratories on the territory of the post-Soviet countries and in Asia, where particularly dangerous ethno-oriented pathogens aimed at Russia and China were developed. Details in the new video!
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