Saundarya Lahari by Shri Adi Shankaracharya verses 48 - 56 describing the Devi’s eyes . Sloka sung by Bombay Sisters. Their full rendition can be found at :
aha syootae savyam tava nayanam arkaatmaka tayaa
tri yaamaam vaamam tae srujati rajanee naayaka tayaa,
truteeyaa tae drushtir dara dalita haemaambuja ruchih
sama adhattae sandhyaam divasa nisayor antara chareem.
O! Mother! Thy right eye creates the day, being red and fiery, of the nature of the Sun and Thy left eye being cool, of the nature of the Moon, creates the night. O! Isn’ t beautiful! Your third eye, well, with its lustre of a slightly blossomed golden lotus, produces the twilight (sandhya), interposed in between the day and night. 48
visaalaa kalyaanee sphuta ruchir ayodhyaa kuvalayaih
krupaadhaaraa aadhaaraa kim api madhuraa aabhogavatikaa,
avantee srishti, stae bahu nagara vistaara vijayaa
dhruvam tat tan naama vyavaharana yogyaa vijayatae.
O! Mother! What to write! Thy affectionate looks are wide (Visala), auspicious (Kalyan), of full bloomed beauty (Kuvala), unassailable by blue water lilies (Ayodhya), the reservoir of a stream of compassion (Dhara), sweet (Madhura), long(Bhogavatika), protecting (Avanti). They surpass the vast expanse (of this country), encompassing many cities and deserving them to be named after Your compassionate glance having indeed conquered them (Vijaya) all. 49
Saundarya Lahari translation can be found at:
Sankara Acharya/Soundarya Lahari/Soundarya Lahari
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