The Terminator: Father And Son Unreal Engine Cinematic

Lots of People have been asking me to make another Terminator short After hearing about the announced animated Netflix Terminator series, the idea of this short piece of music popped into my head, along with Reese’s dialogue from the first Terminator movie, so I decided to transfer the to the screen, what better way than to bring it to life in Realtime Animated and rendered completely in UE4 Quixel Megascans, props and materials, used with the technique of vertex painting, to create the scene Making use of the UE4’s fantastic Character Control Rig System, Sky and Atmosphere System, Niagara Particle System and some of my own custom Cinematic Len blueprints, for that James Cameron (blue) colour grading effect John Connor and the Terminator models were taken from the Terminator Resistance game by Teyon, then re-rigged in Blender so they could be added to the control rig in UE4 I composed the piece of music, from the idea and inspiration of Brad Fiedel’s robo
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