Learn the Pirc Defense as Black | My Best Opening for Black | Chess Lesson # 69

The Pirc Defense for black is simply a great opening to have in your repertoire. I learned it when I was a beginner Chess player and it took me to where I am now. I play other openings (and you should too) but when I have to play a decisive game, I only trust my Pirc defense. I intend to teach it to you the right way step by step. Hopefully you get to enjoy it as much I do. 00:00 Why you should play the Pirc Defense as Black 06:19 First ideas about The Pirc Defense with Bg4 12:36 The Pirc Defense with Bg4 vs dxe5 16:50 The Pirc Defense with Bg4 vs d5 28:49 The Pirc Defense (main line of g6 and Bg7) with c6 Join to access members-only content and perks: You can practice and play Chess for free here (affiliate link): My Book Recommendations: First tactics book: Mixed tactics book: https
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