Mononeon Signature Fender Bass (quick demo)

A few months back, Matt Anderson texted me and asked if he and MonoNeon could come film something at School of Rock to send to Fender. He said they would be there about an hour. I got the room ready for them and gave my two cents of filming angles and whatnot. The footage looked and sounded great (obviously). Mono was playing his, then unseen by the public, signature Fender bass. When they were about to leave, I asked if I could play the bass, to which he graciously said yes. Touching an instrument that has just been man-handled by a master is something to experience. It instantly felt great in my hands, the neck most of all. They went on their way, and I thought “that was that.” Cut to a few weeks ago. Matt texts me and asks for my work address. I give it to him, thinking maybe he needs to film again, which would have been fine, and honestly, I would’ve loved to see that bass again. Last Tuesday rolls around and I’m doing something in the office at work when I notice a Fender box against the wall. “That
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