Silent Circle - Touch in the Night • 2020 Rock That Swing Festival Munich • DANCE Tatyana Kozlovskaya

OLD RETRO DANCE Silent Circle Touch in the Night Tatyana Kozlovskaya / 12zPOMAH 1,83 тыс. подписчиков на утубе 895 220 просмотров с 13-06-2021 по 25-11-2023 тут Её видео с канала Sondre & Tanya 2020 года Tanya Solo - Sondre & Tanya’s Christmas Calendar - 14th of December Hey Guys! We are Sondre and Tanya - a professional swing dance couple. Our partnership started in 2015. Since then we had been competing, teaching and performing boogie woogie all around Europe and outside of it. With great joy we used to travel to spread the love for swing dancing in general and boogie woogie in particular. We also started our own dance event called Boogie Feet’s Festival in Dombås, Norway for inspiring and bringing up swing dancers from many different countries. After the Great Change, as we call it, we have grown an online community to share our passion for dancing via modern means of communication / Sondre & Tanya @sondretanya 285 тыс. подписчиков на утубе загружено 615 видео с 2015 года
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