Grandma Knew Best: Home Remedies That ACTUALLY Work!

Grandmas always seem to have an endless supply of home remedy wisdom passed down through generations. 🌿 Join Our Natural Wellness Journey! 🌿 👉 Subscribe Now: @RemediesInsider But which ones actually work and which are just old wives’ tales? In this fun and informative video, host Emma separates fact from fiction when it comes to home remedies. She kicks things off by poking fun at some of the weirder concoctions grandmas have recommended over the years. But then she dives into 5 natural home remedies that are backed by real scientific evidence. At #5 is honey for soothing sore throats. Studies show honey can be just as effective as cough syrup but way tastier. #4 is ginger for settling an upset stomach and nausea thanks to its interaction with the nervous system. The video continues by revealing #3 - using a simple salt water rinse to help heal annoying canker sores by reducing swelling and disinfecting. At #2 is apple
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