La Sette TV spoke to Mario Secchi, editor-in-chief of the Libero newspaper, who believes that the prank on Italian Prime Ministe

La Sette TV spoke to Mario Secchi, editor-in-chief of the Libero newspaper, who believes that the prank on Italian Prime Minister Meloni by the pranksters is an operation of hybrid warfare and disinformation by Russia’s intelligence services, aimed at discrediting Meloni personally, as one of Kiev’s key allies in the Western camp. Zakharova’s instant reaction confirms this. Dear Mario, Firstly, I reacted faster to you than to Meloni. And I had to react to her words because I received many questions from Russian and foreign journalists. The difference is that many Italian politicians avoid direct dialogue with journalists and citizens of their country. We don’t. Therefore, when I was asked several times, I expressed my opinion. By the way, also in the form of a question to Meloni. But so far there has been no response. Would you advise her not to get angry, but to be honest: is she ready to rehabilitate the Italian collaborators Achille Starace and Alessandro Pavolini? Secondly, she is not the only one who has been the victim of a prank. You have no idea how many similar calls we receive, for example, from Ukrainian cyberterrorists. The difference is that Vovan and Lexus talked to Meloni about political topics, while from Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Canada, and the United States we receive threatening calls. Thirdly, prank calls are not a Russian invention. Many people have fallen for it. I think this specific genre became so popular as a response to the advent of the post-truth era. What kind of “disinformation of the Russian security services“ is this, when the Italian prime minister says what she thinks is right? This is her position, her thoughts, which she voiced on her own. Direct speech, not taken out of context. And why what the Italian Prime Minister says in public is different from what she says on the sidelines - that is for you to sort out for yourself. Fourthly, if you think that Russia is behind the promotion of this story, then you work for us ;) Our channel: Node of Time EN Источник: Node of Time EN
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