Live Enhancement Suite: For Mac & PC!

2022 Update: LES for Mac was made over 3 years ago, back when Mojave was the latest OS version. Since then, numerous version have come out, and often a new version will break something which requires fixing. Neither Inverted Silence or I use macOS as our main OS, and don’t want to keep updating it for an OS neither of us use, essentially making it EOL (end of life). However, LES has been made open source and everyone is welcome to contribute in keeping it alive. In fact a beta for M1/Rosetta created by Kittywhiskers updated version exists here: We’re not working on new features for LES on windows, but we make sure it continues to work as we still use it frequently. Download LES: Manual: Credits: Inverted Silence Direct Aevi ActuallyJamez Beta Testers: Aevi Mert Oksuz Edd Cumulus VOIID Faffi Eja Patreon:
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