This Build Makes Solo Flawless EASY MODE! [Best Destiny 2 Titan Build]
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Alright everyone, it’s finally that time. I can’t deny it any longer after what I just did in this new dungeon encounter solo!
I haven’t done a build video on this because I have played it so much over the last few years and I have been leaning more towards
the consecration slam builds on the solar Titan because I just find it to be more enjoyable.
So I finally decided to run Bonk hammer since the Mod update and Solar 3.0 because if I remember correctly I have never done a straight
up Bonk Build since all the changes happened.
I think this is the Best all around Build in Destiny 2 and if your attempting the New dungeon I urge you all to run this because it is going
to make your time in there so much nicer! Especially if your LFG’ing for it because you might have to be doing a bit of carry, just saying,
and this build will let you do just that. Also if your trying to solo it or solo flawless it I think this is your best bet by far because
it brings both survivability and power and you need both of these to accomplish a solo run or solo flawless!
And let me tell you, being able to create a Orb of power on Every Hammer throw and Kill is so nice! I couldn’t believe how quick I was
getting my super back and since Bunged buffed both Solar Titan Supers it’s been really nice!
- WYS – Snowman
- Provided by Lofi Records
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