NEW GUINEA / DEFENCE: Mubo wrested from Japanese (1943)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Latest pictures from South Pacific show Australian airmen on raids preceding MacArthur’s latest capture. (Airforce - Active; British Empire; World War II in the Far East) Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Mubo wrested from Japanese NEW GUINEA: Mubo: EXT AIR VIEW (AERIAL) eight planes in air AIR VIEW (AERIAL) from inside cockpit two planes in air AIR VIEW (AERIAL) two Bostons flying over coasts showing jungle in background Pilot in plane AIR VIEW (AERIAL) showing bullets hitting water just off shore AIR VIEW (AERIAL) jungle valley AIR VIEW (AERIAL) nose of plane in air AIR VIEW (AERIAL) bomb dropping to jungle AIR VIEW (AERIAL) bomb exploding on ground Pilot in plane AIR VIEW (AERIAL) bombs bursting in line on ground in jungle AIR VIEW (AERIAL) reconnaissance plane flying over Mubo Island Pilot in reconnaissance plane talking i
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