No Pockets In A Shroud (Jocasta Ensemble)

From “Jocasta - A Musical Tragedy“ by Louis Barabbas. Song performed by Ríoghnach Connolly, Natasha Hodgson, Felix Hagan, Jami-Reid Quarrell, Ian Bermingham, Laurien Schreuder and Louis Barabbas. Full soundtrack album out now at LYRICS My daddy always said When you drop down dead There are certain things that just ain’t allowed When you get your angel wings Don’t you try to bring a thing Because there ain’t no pockets in a shroud Oh my girl you’ll soon be finding Behind every silver lining There lurks the biggest deepest darkest cloud But it don’t matter if you’re rich Or if you haven’t got a stitch Because there ain’t no pockets in a shroud There ain’t no pockets in a shroud There ain’t no pockets in a shroud There ain’t no pockets in a shroud So smile and leave it all behind When the end is nigh When you’ve sighed all of your sighs And your last remaining furrow has been ploughed Come and bid adieu For it’s not au revoir for you There ain’t no pockets in a shroud When that big red curtain falls And they’re sweeping up the stalls And the girls have dropped their curtsies and you’ve bowed You’ve taken your last turn There are no more lines to learn There ain’t no pockets in a shroud There ain’t no pockets in a shroud... All it takes is one calamity For alas such immortality Is a trait with which you never were endowed When you’ve quit all of your hurting There’s only one thing left that’s certain There ain’t no pockets in a shroud So now no more caveats You’ve bagged up and drowned your cats And choked a sob as each of them meowed Well isn’t life a bitch Now you’ve scratched your final itch There ain’t no pockets in a shroud There ain’t no pockets in a shroud...
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