Algiers In Ferment (1960)

Item title reads - Algiers in Ferment. Algeria and France. L/S looking down the main street in Algeria where massed crowds have gathered to protest about President de Gaulle’s intention to give the country self determination. M/S of barricade made out of road blocks built across one of the streets. M/S of road blocks being dug up for more barricades. Camera pans from damaged road where blocks have been dug up, to barricades being built. Various shots of barricades across the street, one has a French flag stretched on top of it. M/S pan across motorcycle escort accompanying President Charles de Gaulle’s car through Paris. C/U of de Gaulle entering Elysee Palace. M/S pressmen waiting outside the Palace. M/S of French Prime Minister Michel Debre coming out of the Palace and being surrounded by pressmen, C/U as he is questioned by them. L/S interior of President de Gaulle speaking at conference. L/S Algerian street with crowds behind barricades and troops patrolling the streets. Troops and civili
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