Do You Believe the Awesome Miracles of Creation in Genesis Trump Science?

Study Genesis first (14) because God’s Word, theology, poses the basis of science. Someone commented: “Theology explains absolutely nothing. God is no more than a fictional character. Science can explain everything.” Consider this: For centuries the best science brains are empty-headed about consciousness and mind. Psalm 139:14 tells us I will praise You; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Your works; and that my soul knows right well. Oh that all souls grasp God’s Creation I challenged the detractor to read “Mind-Body Problem Solved” for the theology of consciousness and mind based on the Biblical Hebrew of Genesis 2:7, breath of life, neshama. Free on Youtube: @TheExplanation Free online: Buy the ebook/audio/soft/hardcover: Please like and subscribe for more about in-depth Bible Study to reach the God-intended meaning of Scripture. How to do in-depth Bible study 24/7/365 free. Go
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