Harold Wilson In Bonn. (1967)

Bonn, Germany HAROLD WILSON IN BONN. M.S. German army Guard of Honour presents arms. V.S. British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and George Brown (Deputy British Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary) arriving at the Federal Chancellor Palais Schaumburg. They are greeted by Federal Chancellor Kurt George Kiesinger and Willy Brandt (Mayor of West Berlin). They inspect the Guard of Honour. M.S. Three press photographers with flash cameras. V.S. Mr. Wilson and Mr. Brown meeting President Lubke (President of W. German Republic). V.S. British delegation headed by Mr. Wilson sit opposite Mr. Kiesinger and his delegation for Common Market talks. One shot here shows Mr Wilson with rather large cigar in his mouth. V.S. At a reception in the evening Mr. Wilson, Mr. Brown, Mr. Brandt, and Mr. Kiesinger line up to receive members of the new Coalition Party. Among them are Prof. Schiller (Minister of Economics), Franz-Josef Strauss (Minister of Finances), and then ex-minister Dr Erich Mende, Sir Frank Roberts (Brit
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