King of the swingers - Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen Pebble mill performance

King of the swingers - Great energetic version by Kenny Ball and his Jazzmen Pebble mill performance - possibly from the late 70’s - Kenny Ball was at theforfront of the British trad Jazz movement at the end of the 1950’s early sixties and had several international hits including Midnight in Moscow Their version peaked at number two on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100, He has had fourteen Top 50 hit singles in the UK alone This clip also moves into a clip from “It’d Lulu“ Lulu and Adrienne Posta singing I’ve got no strings - There is a celebration of Pebble Mill studios at The Tv archive Kaleidoscope’s Event on Saturday 14th of Sept 2013 “Saturday Made at the Mill A Celebration of Pebble Mill and BBC Birmingham“
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