7 BEST Dumbbell Bicep Exercises (YOU NEED!!)

Alright, today we’re grabbing some dumbbells and going over some bicep curls that you probably have never done before, and then a few that you definitely have, but we’re going to make him even worse, so if you’re ready, let’s get after it. Click Here to kick your own A** in the 30 Day Program click HERE: Or let’s first go over traditional curls to make sure you’re not making the big mistake I see most people make, which is no matter what the cost they’re going to get it up, which is admirable. I’m sure your Tinder dates really appreciate that about you, but in terms of growing that bicep, it’s not going too much because what happens is as that bicep gets tired, you’re trying to force it all the way up. There’s no way to get there, so you have to get that shoulder involved, and unless that was your horrible plan from the start, let’s try to avoid it. But we don’t have to focus on the shoulder. All we have to do is simply focu
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