The Biggest Tree on Earth is Bigger Than Your Imagination
Trees are life-givers for many reasons. Trees are generally ignored by many, some of them have been revered for their height. There is various height that the trees grow and some have an amazing ability to grow more than 400ft in height. Here are the top 20 biggest trees on earth.
1. Centurion
Centurion earns the title of the second tallest tree species in the world. Located in the southern region of Tasmania, Australia, Centurion itself stands at a height of 327 feet or 99.6 meters--with a trunk diameter of 13.3 feet or meters. This is a lucky coincidence that Centurion has survived. Wildfires in 1934 spared just a few older trees in this area and passed on the west side. In 1950 there was logging nearby and at that time this giant tree would not be spared.
2. The Monkey Pod tree
The monkeypod tree of the Samanea saman is a landscape tree having a massive shade. This biggest tree on earth is mostly native to tropical America. The crown of the monkeypod can have an overall diameter of around two hundred feet. The wood of this tree can be easily turned into carvings, bowls, or platters and is commonly sold or displayed in Hawaii. The pods of this big tree have a sticky brown pulp that is often used for feeding cattle in Central America. The monkeypod grows pink flowers that resemble powder puffs. These flowers are pollinated by insects and will develop edible seed pods about 4 to 8 inches in length.
3. The Doerner Fir
The name refers to a specific Douglas fir found in Coos County. While it’s not the tallest tree in the world, the Doerner Fir does measure as the tallest non-redwood tree in the world. This Douglas fir measures 327 feet or 99.7 feet tall and almost made it the tallest tree in the world. What’s more, the Doerner Fir is about 500 years old--making it not only huge but also one of the oldest trees in the world. Douglas Firs has already grown to be rather tall, on average 70 to 300 feet or 20 to 100 meters tall. However, Great Basin Bristlecone pine is also recorded as the oldest tree in the world, estimated between 4700-5000 years-old.
4. Kauri Tree
This New Zealand mammoth tree is one of the biggest trees in the world and Kauri forests are some of the most ancient. Tane Mahuta, New Zealand’s largest Kauri is 51 meters high and has a circumference of 13.8 meters. Its name in Maori means “Lord of the Forest” and is estimated to be up to 2,500 years old. Maori used kauri timber for boat building, carving and building houses. The gum was used as a fire starter and for chewing. The arrival of European settlers in the 1700s to 1800s saw the decimation of these magnificent forests.
5. Giant Sequoia Tree
Also known as the Sierra Redwood, these amazingly tall trees occur naturally only on the west coast of the United States. This giant sequoia growing as high as 85 meters and as wide as 8 meters in diameter, redwood trees and their forests is popular tourist attractions, thanks to their epic proportions. The tallest and most famous of the redwoods, the General Sherman tree, is located in California’s Sequoia National Park and is believed to be over 2,000 years old.
6. Baobab Tree
Found across the savannahs of Africa, this unique tree has inspired many nicknames from bottle tree to upside-down tree to the Tree of Life. Its sturdy, stout, fire-resistant trunk can be as wide as 11 meters and often hollow, which provides living space for animals as well as humans— one interesting fact is some trees have even been turned into barns or bars! Known to be as many as 2,000 years old, Sunland baobab trees are thought to have mythical protective powers.
7. White Knight
At just shy of 90 meters registered height, this is one of the last remaining examples of an ultra-sized white peppermint. While they are non-unfamiliar in the northeastern Tasmanian forests, there are few places left to see them like a giant. You can easily visit this magnificent giant tree and its grove of other massive trees at Mathinna near Avoca, east of Launceston. These are a series of super trees that grow at Ever Creech Forest Reserve and are said to be located here for over 300 years. The white knight is known to reach a height of .
Why are tall trees good? Do you know any tall trees in your area that you want to add? Please let us know in our comment below.
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