How to Check Website Anchors Text In Ahrefs | What is Anchor Text | Free Ahrefs Tutorials

The clickable text of an HTML hyperlink is known as anchor text or link text. Its goal is to clarify the content of the linked page or resource to website users and search engines. The name “anchor“ stems from early versions of the HTML standard, where the “a“ element (now commonly referred to as “hyperlink“) was termed “anchor.“ When images are used as links, Google uses the alt text of the image as the anchor text of the link. SEOs classify the seven primary types of anchor text: 1. Exact match - The exact keyword or phrase a target page is trying to rank for. 2. Phrase match - A keyword phrase containing the target keyword phrase for a page. 3. Partial match - All of the words of the target keyword appear, but not as the exact phrase. 4. Branded - The name of the brand or company where a target page lives. 5. Generic - Any random or generic phrases, such as here, click…, or this article. 6. Image alt text - The alt text of a
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