TANK! Virtual Session 2020 by Yoko Kanno & SEATBELTS

これは菅野よう子(ヒヨコ隊長)によるTANK!のSSDの制作見本です。 This is a production sample of TANK!’s SSD by Yoko Kanno, known as Captain Duckling. web: Her latest soundtrack is CD is available in limited time at official shop and other retail stores. SSD(Session Starducks) とは What’s SSD,Session Starducks? see (日本語/English/Francais/中文/Deutsch/Italiano/台湾(繁体中文)) おひねり→ donation for space ship→ 使った譜面→ Score sheet used → Copyright 1998 Bandai Namco Music Live Inc. Composed and Arranged by Yoko Kanno This video is published under the permission of Bandai Namco Music Live Inc. 多くの方からおひねりやふるさと納税を頂いて感動したひよ...こ隊長から、 TANK!の伴奏動画  ライオンの伴奏動画   の一般公開の指令も発令されました。 Captain Duckling was very impressed because a lot of people toss the donations. That makes her feel happy and decide publishing base videos. TANK!  LION  
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