Бенджамин Бриттен - Lachrymae - мысли о песне Джона Доуленда Оркестр Павла Опаровского

Benjamin Britten - Lachrymae. Reflections on a Song of John Dowland Op. 48 for viola and piano солистка: Мария Островская (альт) Союз Художников Санкт-Петербургский Большой зал (3 этаж) Малый фестивальный симфонический оркестр Санкт-Петербурга. Художественный руководитель и главный дирижер ПАВЕЛ ОПАРОВСКИЙ #опаровский #оркестр_опаровского #oparovsky_orchestra Pachtetbach@ Britten composed his Lachrymae for the great violist Williama Primrose. The two artists premiered the piece at the Aldeburgh Festival in June 1950. Similarly many other English composers of his time, Benjamin Britten was an enthusiast of tradition. He published and performed old, mainly English music. After the success of his opera Peter Grimes he settled in Aldeburgh in Suffolk where, in 1947, he and his artist friends E. Crozier and P. Pears, the yearly festival of English music. he also founded the English Ope
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