Does the Bible Condemn Homosexuality? Guest Interview with Jeffrey Siker

Bart has written a new book on Revelation, titled “Armageddon - What the Bible Really Says about the End“. In it, he examines the least-read and most-misunderstood book of the Bible. It will be out in late March, but you can pre-order here: Pre-orders really help drive publicity, so if you’re interested in the subject (and why wouldn’t you be? It’s The. End. Of. The. World!), get it now while it’s hot! Visit to shop from Bart Ehrman’s online courses and get a special discount by using code: MJPODCAST on all courses ___________________________ One of the few ways people today actually appeal to the Old Testament is to condemn same-sex sexual relations (while they ignore much of everything else it says). Such people usually take it as obvious that the New Testament condemns them as well. But DOES the Bible condemn homosexuality? As it turns this a lively debate among biblical scholars, and the dominant
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