Python’s most DISLIKED __dunder__ (and what to use instead)

What is the most universally despised __dunder__ method in Python? It’s __del__! From it’s non-obvious relationship with del, to it’s exception-ignoring behavior, to the uncertainty of whether the interpreter will call it 0 or multiple times, it’s a real mess! ― mCoding with James Murphy () Source code: with statement docs: #with dunder del docs: weakref docs: Plus equals video: Dunder new video: Metaclasses video: SUPPORT ME ⭐ --------------------------------------------------- Sign up on Patreon to get your donor role and early access to videos! Feeling generous but don’t have a Patreon? Donate via PayPal! (No sign up needed.) Want to donate crypto? Check out the rest of my supported donations on my website! Top patrons and donors: Jameson, Laura M, Vahnekie, Dragos C, Matt R, Casey G, Johan A, John Martin, Jason F, Mutual Information, Neel R BE ACTIVE IN MY COMMUNITY 😄 --------------------------------------------------- Discord: Github: Reddit: Facebook:
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