The collapse of the USSR as a global historical event/Распад СССР как всемирно-историческое событие

Онлайн-конференция «Распад СССР как всемирно-историческое событие», посвященная 30-летию подписания Беловежских соглашений и распаду СССР, организована при поддержке Президентского центра Б.Н. Ельцина 7 декабря 2020 г.. 00:00 Greetings by Oleg Lutohin, Museum Director, Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center 02:00 Introduction by Artemy Magun, Professor, Director of the Center for Practical Philosophy «Stasis», editor-in-chief of the magazine «Stasis» 04:20 Artemy Magun, From the Negative Revolution to the Dialectic of History 29:26 Jodi Dean, Professor at the College of Hobart and William Smith (USA). Collapse of the Global Left as a Consequence of the Soviet Collapse 48:45 Alexey Miller, Professor at the European University at St. Petersburg. The dissolution of the USSR as a search for a new form of empire 01:08:03 Keti Chukhrov, Associate Professor at the Higher School of Economics. Semantic Mutations of Historical Socialism in the Post-Communist East-West relations 01:25:48 Alexey Yurch
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