Is “Society“ Making Us WEAK?

Find out more about VivoBiome: Use NEW code THEBIONEER15 to get 15% off your Vivos! *** My training program: My Patreon: *** Check out Right to Roam: This video explores the huge impact that our culture, lifestyle, environment, economy, and more have on our fitness. It asks the question: does society make us weaker? People approach this question in different ways. Undoubtedly, to me, the huge amount of sitting we do, and even our sometimes misguided approach to “exercise“ is damaging our fitness. Sitting long hours, then training intensively for an hour at the gym - focussing only on mirror muscles - doesn’t exactly result in healthy movers! Another angle to consider is that of privilege. If you don’t have a lot of money, if you don’t have a lot of time, and if your space is very limited... this limits your choices. A lot of fitness content assumes that we have access to a gym, that we are young and single... this isn’t the reality for a LOT of people watching. But that doesn’t mean there is some conspiracy here! Does society make us weak... on purpose? I don’t think so. There is no agenda and no matrix. There’s no conspiracy to taint the tap water with oestrogen and bring about the “rise of weak men.“ In fact, this is most often a narrative used to sell overpriced courses and ebooks (from people who are doing very well for themselves, thank you!). With that said, we can certainly do better. To build a fitter humanity, we need to take care of the basic needs of the population and provide a safety net. So that we are not forced to work insane hours. We should create environments that encourage movement and create a culture that celebrates it. Governing bodies should support this movement through classes, free outdoor gyms, and more. Where the responsibility *does* fall to us, is in escaping the hedonistic treadmill. A constant striving for more often means that even when we DO have our basic needs met, we still work long hours and ignore the simple joys of moving. At the end of this video, I coin a phrase “MotionPunk.“ This is a concept that embodies these ideas. That imagines a future where movement is at the forefront. Where cities are built like giant playgrounds or video game levels. A society that would make us stronger, not weaker.
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