Old Tango 1931: Stanisława Nowicka - Jutro zapomnisz (Tomorrow You’ll Forget)

Stanisława Nowicka & Ork. Parlophon (dir. by Henryk Gold?) - Jutro zapomnisz (To co przysięgałeś dziś) [ You will forget tomorrow / What you have sworn to me today ] Tango ( – Krystjan) z rewii teatru “Wesołe Oko” [from the revue in theatre A Merry Eye] , Parlophon 1931 (Polish) NOTE: Stanisława NOWICKA (b. 1905 in Warsaw, Poland – d. 1990 in Yorktown, NY) Polish singer and dancer, who was most popular as Polish-tango performer in Warsaw during the late 1920s – early/mid-1930s. Starting a sa dancer in various smaller stages in Warsaw and Łódź (in 1917 she was a ballet-colleague with Pola Negri during her contract in Łódź), Stanisława Nowicka however was only moderately successful on stage, until in 1927 Andrzej Włast – the popular song lyricist & director of Warsaw cabaret Perskie Oko (which later was turned into the largest Warsaw revue theatre Morskie Oko) heard her low-alto passionate singing and started featuring her on stage in roles of the “beaten and continuously abandoned” apaché lovers. In
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