2. Добавляем к python проекту тесты, покрытие и проверку чистоты кода

Adding tests, coverage and code style checker to python project. 46) .\mytestvenv\Scripts\deactivate 47) cd C:\work\Python\mypython 48) .\myvenv\Scripts\activate 49) in cmd “pip install tox“ 49) create file ““ in “C:\work\Python\mypython“ 50) add text in ““ file [tox] envlist = py38 skipsdist=true [testenv] commands = pytest whitelist_externals = * 51) create folder “tests“ in “C:\work\Python\mypython“ 52) add file empty filr ““ in “C:\work\Python\mypython“ 53) add file ““ in “C:\work\Python\mypython ests“ 54) add code in ““ from import SayHello def test_SayHello(): assert SayHello(“bb“) == None 55) in cmd “tox“ 56) pip install flake8 57) add to ““ [flake8] application_import_names = myPyLib, tests max-line-length = 120 extend-ignore = E203,W503,E231,I201 exclude = myvenv, .tox, build, dist 58) in cmd “flake8“ 59) pip install pytest-cov 60) pip install pytest-xdist 61) add to ““ [pytest] addopts = --cov= --
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