Ornamental Goddess Back Tattoo

The Song is Yggdrasil by Danheim. WELCOME TO NORTHERNBLACK. All our links. NEWSLETTER: Stay up to date with what Peter Oakmund Madsen is creating and doing, by joining our newsletter. Discounts, raffles and freebies are happening right now, and will be indefinitely, but you must subscribe to be in the know. WEBSHOP: Get the latest nordic designed clothing, jewelry, books and prints, pdfs and more. Many designs created by Peter himself. Also available are limited items. Catering for all. WEBSITE: INSTAGRAM 1: All Peters ornamental work. INSTAGRAM 2: All things Nordic. Peters nordic tattoos and other nordic artists. FACEBOOK: KICKSTARTER: Three books full of art and inspiration for Nordic art and tattoos, inspired by historical findings & the ideas of Peter Blackhand. TIKTOK: @northernblacktiktok?lang=en DEVIANTART: --------------------------------------
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