The Sound - Heads And Hearts (FULL ALBUM). 1985.

LP rip. I’m uploading this for the 18th anniversary of Sound front man Adrian Borland’s death. Technically, it’s tomorrow but I decided to just upload it now in case I forget. The Sound is one of my top 10 favorite bands of all time! Mr. Borland’s musical legacy is gaining more and more recognition with each passing decade. I hope that in uploading this, I’m a part of that. Adrian K Borland 1957-1999 1. Whirlpool (0:00) 2. Total Recall (4:01) 3. Under You (8:32) 4. Burning Part of Me (12:53) 5. Love Is Not A Ghost (16:21) 6. Wildest Dreams (20:37) 7. One Thousand Reasons (25:52) 8. Restless Time (28:57) 9. Mining For Heart (32:30) 10. World As It Is (35:22) 11. Temperature Drop (37:31) Genre: Alternative Rock, Post-punk, Pop Rock
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