“Vaccines“ now provide evidence for mass genocide and dehumanization

On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane reveals the global agenda behind forced injections according to numerous intelligence reports from military & scientific experts, and then she shows you how CRISPR technology is being used to alter your God-given genetic code to destroy centuries of your familial and human ancestry. And in the final section, Dr. Jane shares the evidence for graphene oxide - why it is used and how toxic they are. Note to all politicians, corporations, pedos, MSM, ANTIFA, BLMs, leftist green trolls & unbelieving system SUPPORTER sheep: YOU ARE IN PART BY YOUR IGNORANCE, ARROGANCE, AND SUPPORT OF THE SATANIST NAZI ZIONIST SYSTEM AND YOU WILL ALSO GET YOUR DESERVED PUNISHMENT. TikTok, your TIME IS RUNNING OUT
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