Original song by Machigerita.
Hey, it’s been a while! Sorry for neglecting this channel for nearly half a year. I got really into jinriki Utau so my vocal synth energy has been going towards that. The three I’ve made thus far are Pinky (Animaniacs), The Brain (Animaniacs), and Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne). This is not a joke. It’s just the state of my life right now. I haven’t uploaded any of the covers I’ve made with any of them because I’m afraid to post cringe, but who knows, maybe I will.
Anyway, on the topic of this cover, Iroha is one of my favorite Vocaloids of all time and I’ve had her for quite a while, but I hadn’t posted any covers with her yet. I’m really glad to finally be doing so! I think this song is perfect for her.