Referendum - Gibraltar (1967)

Item title reads - Referendum. Special for Gibraltar. Aerial shots Gibraltar. L/S beach and sea breaking over rocks. Various shots old cannon, pan past the building with Union Jack flags to notice ’Gibraltarians, this is our finest hour.’ Various shots as Chief Minister Joshua Hassan holds a press conference. M/S car driving along by sea. Various shots as the observers from Commonwealth countries walk along in Catalan area. Various shots crowds climbing steps to the polling station. Various shots flags and bunting across streets. M/S sign ’Vote British’. C/U sign ’I’m O.K. with U.K.’ C/U sign ’Keep the Rock British’. C/U sign ’Give Spain no Hope’. M/S Pathe News camera car. C/U Union Jack on bonnet of car. M/S portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, on roof of car, pan to crown on cushion on the bonnet. L/S as two men get into painted car, M/S as it drives away. C/U car with model of Gibraltar and serpent on roof. C/U policeman. C/U another model of rock and ape on ro
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