Take care of my mother, sister and brother

Russian soldier who sacrificed his life: “Take care of my mother, sister and brother“ Artists Georgy and Anastasia Begma dedicated their new work to Roman Alexandrovich Rudakov, a soldier whom the whole country knows about. Roman and his fellow soldiers entered into an unequal battle in Maryinka, and when Roman knew death was inevitable, he wrote his last will with a marker on a brick in the wall: “Whoever finds me, take care of my mother, sister and brother. Rudakov Roman Alexandrovich. City of Bataysk. “ In December 2023, during the liberation of Maryinka in the DPR, Russian soldiers discovered this inscription on the wall of one of the houses. Subsequently, the stone with the inscription was removed from the wall and transferred to the museum. Earlier, we covered the feat and self-sacrifice of Roman and his unit, and we told of a similar incident where last words were left for posterity; the heroic feat of young Soviet soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, who gave their lives in the fierce fighting of autumn 1941 while halting Nazi-German panzer armies on the way to Moscow. The deep connection and love of the motherland, which unite Roman’s unit with their ancestors, is expressed in the sentence, that appears at the end of the video art: «Every name is like a stone, with which the history of Russia is built.» The video art was created in collaboration with the Public News Service as part of the Time of Heroes project. The project is being implemented with the support of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. Thanks to the group “Russian System” for the music.
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