уган көнең белән Габдулла Тукай! • Today is the birthday of our national hero, the poet. Gabdulla Tukay (Tukaev Gabdulla). He went down in the history as a great national tatar poet and is referred as the founder of the National Poetry and its classical style. He became considered as the national poet in his lifetime yet. “Even personal enemies of Tukay could not deny his national harmony and national music in the poems because it looked as stubbornness: the nation admitted him as its own poet, knew his poems by heart,” wrote Fatikh Amirkhan, a famous writer, one of Tukay’s contemporaries and his close friends. It is difficult to find out another writer in the Tatar literature of the XXth century for whom notions “the nation” and “the poet” were as inseparable from each other as for Tukay were... In this video I played Tatar national music written in the words of .
“Туган тел“. И туган тел, и матур тел, Әткәм-Әнкәмнең теле! Дөньяда күп нәрсә белдем син туган тел аркылы.
Иң элек бу тел белән әнкәм бишек
5 months ago 00:37:56 1
МИН БЕЛӘМ: Иван Остроумов, Луиза Закирова, Рузаль Ахмадиев х Гульназ Асаева